miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010

Still alive...

But I can't say the same about my laptop. Is nearly dead. I had 3 daysfighting against it but the HDD is so broken ("KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR" BSOD ¬_¬) and I'm now with my girlfriend's notebook... And when I go to buy another this morning the car's engine also crashed. A black winter day.

Anyway, hands on!

Here is Skane' support squad finished (still missing the bolter grunts, but they would be done soon, when I move to the tactical units).

Harle assault squad (raptors) finished.


Harle assault squad:

And almost finshed, Wrathe's Berzerker squad with Chaplain (count as Champion with power weapon).

2nd shot:

And that's all for now! I must finish the 2 models from Wrathe's squad and the company banner. Hope you like it!

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