sábado, 27 de noviembre de 2010

Weathering tutorial (Part II)

Part 1

-The used in the previous part plus, 

-GW Hawk Turquoise
-GW Scorched Brown
-GW Dark Flesh
-GW Thraka Green
-GW Chainmail
-GW Griphonne Sepia
-GW Devlan Mud
-GW Badab Black
-GW Flesh Wash
-Large Sponge
-Little Sponge
-Drybrush brush

Hi everyone!

Let's follow weathering the unfortunate rhino. This is our previous dirted rhino:

First of all, we need to add some more dirt. I did this washing the receses and every part intended to be damaged. I did this with several washes.

-Thraka green + Griphonne sepia 2:1, watered down.
-Thraka green + Griphonne sepia 1:1, watered down.
-Griphonne sepia
-Flesh wash
-Devlan mud

The result looks like this:

viernes, 26 de noviembre de 2010

Weathering tutorial (Part I)

Part II

Difficulty: Not super very difficult
-GW Chaos Black spray primer
-Army Painter Navy Blue spray
-GW Asurmen Blue
-GW Mechrite Red
-GW Gore Red
-GW Blood Red
-GW Fiery Orange
-GW Catachan Green
-GW Regal Blue
-GW Golden Yellow
-GW Skull White
-GW Chaos Black
-Large Brush
-Brush #000

This is a basic weathering tutorial, nothing seriuos, some steps are clearly inspired (read: stolen) from Ultrawerke's ones.

Also I want to thanks to Winterdine, Ravenous, Warflag (from Warseer), Zxyogi, 1000heathens, F. A. Chapter Master and Spongebob (from B&C) because without their wise advices, help and support this article can't be done.

First of all here is the basecoated model:

jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010

How to... Ruin a rhino.

1-Search some amazing tutorial
2-Try to follow it

Ok then, I know what I'm not have to do. I have no oils, retardants, enamels, and lot of stuff to do that tutorial. But i want to make it so i started with what I have: GW paints.

The first thingy of the colour dots, DON'T DO IT with

domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2010

Big Update! 1800 point army


Well, after a week of painting hell and a painful tournament, with the help of my friend x-ro177 (aka David), here is an army update. Most of the "to do list" is nearly completed.

First of all we have Wrathe Berzerker squad, with Khârn...

You can notice that the bases are not finished. This apply to the whole army :)

lunes, 8 de noviembre de 2010